Friday, February 6, 2009

To have any sort of super power might be a burden to carry around with you day after day. If you think about it almost every super hero in comics or movies hide there identity so people don't know who they are. Clark Kent as Superman, Peter Parker as Spiderman or Bruce Wayne as Batman all of which have a secret identity.
If I had super powers I don't know how happy I would be hiding who I am from my loved ones. Then you also have the threat of someone finding out about your superpowers and trying to take advantage or even try and distroy you. That is where villans come into play. They get jealous of superpowers and try to take you over.
There may almost be more disadvantages than advantages in being a superhero.
If I had my choice and it really came down to it I think I would just stay plain old me.


  1. As cool as having super powers would be , I agree with you linsey. You're a character just how you are!

  2. Wow Linsey nice job way to be, rock on , princess level, graduate level, this could be a resume, holy can i hire you..
    Doysh Doysh Doysh

    XD *:( >:( BadadaBadadaBadada Boink! \\// Peace

  3. Yah, you will have to worry day after day about the secret of having superpowers getting out.

  4. I totally agree with your outlook on super powers. :)

  5. NA.... i dont agree thats the stupidedst thing ive ever hear.. but its also very true. if someone found out about my super power id just destroy them... no bigg cause im a mfin super hero B":?CH

  6. Good call, superpowers would definitely be stressful, and would probably bring on danger to loved ones and such (look at you thinking ahead:) )
